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28-Day Connection Intensive
Welcome, friend!
Yoga Props Needed
The 5 Components of Connection
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Week 1 - Lay the groundwork & find routine
Week 1 - Lay the groundwork & find routine
Day 1 - Breath Meditation + Journaling
Day 2 - Open to Possibility Slow Flow
Day 3 - Breath Meditation + Journaling
Day 4 - Slow Down & Find Space Gentle
Day 5 - Breath Meditation + Journaling
Day 6 - Home in My Body Slow Flow
Day 7 - Body Scan Meditation + Journaling
Week 2 - Digging in to Release
Week 2 - Digging in to Release
Day 8 - Release & Relaxation Restorative
Day 9 - Body Scan Meditation + Journaling
Day 10 - Burn Away What No Longer Serves You Slow Flow
Day 11 - Body Scan Meditation + Journaling
Day 12 - Let it Go, Let it Go Gentle
Day 13 - Trust Building Meditation + Journaling
Day 14 - Fresh Start (S)low Flow
Week 3 - Open and Welcome in the New
Week 3 - Open and Welcome in the New
Day 15 - Trust Building Meditation + Journaling
Day 16 - Inner Voice + Intuition Restorative
Day 17 - Trust Building Meditation + Journaling
Day 18 - Open Your Heart Slow Flow
Day 19 - Self-Compassion Meditation + Journaling
Day 20 - Home in My Body Gentle
Day 21 - Self-Compassion Meditation + Journaling
Week 4 - Connection
Week 4 - Connection
Day 22 - Self-Care Slow Flow
Day 23 - Self-Compassion Meditation + Journaling
Day 24 - Gratitude Restorative
Day 25 - Connection Meditation + Journaling
Day 26 - Slow Flow for Renewal
Day 27 - Connection Meditation + Journaling
Day 28 - Connection Gentle
Day 13 - Trust Building Meditation + Journaling
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